Recover chk files
Recover chk files

recover chk files

The folders, that are innacessible for you, are not going to appear probably.

recover chk files

  • Now, you'll see your folder structure of your HDD.
  • For that, go to options / interface / visualization mode / tree view. It is good to see the files in a tree view. In my case, after scanning I could hibernate without loosing the scaning results, check this post for this information.
  • Once you are done it, you can click "scan".
  • Once you are in settings, in the actions part, check all the scan options (I think probably it works with "deep scan" and "scan to found not deleted files", if you are file system is damaged).

    recover chk files

    Choose the HDD affected and enter in options (settings) (well.I runned it in Spanish, so I don't know the exact words in English).

  • First, run Recuva and close the wizard.
  • Patiente (this is not on internet ) if you have to recover many files to recover as I had.
  • I didn't obtain the filesystem recovered (it went on going bad in the innacessible folders). What I obtained making this was the files recovered from the inaccessible folders. The next explanation will show how I did to recover the data from a HDD which has the filesystem corrupted (several folders were inaccessible). this posts comes from the context I exposed here: Firstly I want to thank to the moderators of the forum their work, really good work done here by then, thanks!

    Recover chk files